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McAfee SiteAdvisor is a joke!

Posted by Anonymous | 2:24 PM | misc | 0 comments »

What is going on over at McAfee? The concept behind their SiteAdvisor browser-plugin is a good one. But I don't think the logic behind it is worth its weight in salt!

What's the deal with Mcafee SiteAdvisor?

SiteAdvisor is browser plug-in that shows you a color coded status of each webpage you visit or view in search engines. A site can have three possible ratings once viewed by SiteAdvisor. A Green rating indicates all downloads are good, no spam is sent out and no links to bad websites. An orange/yellow rating warns visitors of potential harm. And the red rating is for "bad sites". Now, as I mentioned earlier, this in itself is not a bad thing, it's a great idea.

So what's the problem?

McAfee has very poor standards on how it rates other sites. I personally had a website red flagged for ONE LINK to a site McAfee didnt like. At the same time McAfee has sites in its database(s) that contain bad downloads that are only rated orange/yellow! Another example is McAfee has red flagged this site for "spam" among other offenses. Now, I have an account with them and I can tell you I have NEVER received any spam at all! How can they be so quick to label a site as "bad"? Do they not know what drastic effects this can have on search engine referrals and business in general?

* UPDATE, I see McAfee recently reversed their red rating of Bidvertiser.

So what's going on over at McAfee?

I don't know...I was hoping you could tell me! Do you know of any McAfee SiteAdvisor stories that you can share with the rest of us? If so please let me know of your experience in this area.

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