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Google has come up with a great idea, gadgets. Google allows users to customize a Google homepage at To populate your new iGoogle homepage you will add multiple tabs and fill these tabs with gadgets that perform various tasks from telling you a quote of the day to showing you the weather. Really you are only as limited as your imagination.

Why should you be interested?

Google gadgets do more than provide a service to iGoogle end users. They provide a valuable service to you (a web publisher) also. For instance, in each gadget you attach a link to your site and you can also place an Adsense ad in there. The more people add your gadget to their homepage the more return visitors you will get and possibly more revenue via the ads.

TPCS iGoogle gadgets

Here at TPCS we have begun to build some gadgets for iGoogle users. Our gadget/widget page is located at

If you would like to learn more about how to make a Google gadget then sign up for our newsletter and you will receive a free eBook that walks you through the process!

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