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TPCS Google Chrome Apps

Posted by Anonymous | 9:42 PM | google apps , widget | 0 comments »

We have recently transfered a number of our gadgets over to Google Chrome apps!

Daily Motivating Quotes: Daily motivating quote app for Google Chrome

Inspirational Quotes: Inspirational quote app for Google Chrome

Daily Beauty Tips: Daily beauty tips app for Google Chrome

Daily Bikini Babes: Daily bikini babes app for Google Chrome

Lottery Numbers: Lottery number app for Google Chrome

Child Safe Google Search: Safe search app for Google Chrome

Daily Optical Illusions: Daily optical illusion app for Google Chrome

Map Quest Directions: MapQuest app for Google Chrome

IQ Test: IQ test app for Google Chrome

Weather Channel: Weather channel app for Google Chrome

Daily Buddha: Daily Buddha app for Google Chrome

Magic 8 Ball: Magic 8 ball app for Google Chrome

Escape To Paradise: Escape to paradise app for Google Chrome

Weight Loss Tips: Weight loss tips app for Google Chrome

Daily Surfer: Daily surfer app for Google Chrome

Interactive Aquarium: Interactive aquarium app for Google Chrome

* Any future apps will be posted here:

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