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Find hidden links within your blog...

Sometimes crackers/kiddies (I wont bestow upon them the title of hacker) get their hands on some exploit code and go around and use this exploit to secretly hide bad links within hidden DIV tags on your blog. Recently some big players in the WordPress world got hit by spammers placing hidden links within their source.

A couple of ways to help find hidden links located in your blog:

I. Use a text browser (such as lynx *) to visit blog.
II. Turn off Javascript in your browser and visit blog.
III. Change your User-Agent to the below code and visit blog:

Googlebot/2.1 (+

By switching your user-agent to spoof GoogleBot you are hoping to trick the hacked code to show you the links. You see, the cracker will try to hide his links from regular web visitors, after all he doesn't want to get found out, so he will write some code that will display the links to a request made via the Google user agent. By doing this the cracker is trying to get GoogleBot to find all these links and rank his page higher in the search engine results.

So, as a blogger you need to keep up with what out-bound links your blog contains! Not only does this abuse your hard earned PR it can potentially effect the ad quality you receive from Google Adsense etc...

* Screenshot of this blog as viewed in Lynx:

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