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Today TPCS released a new Guestbook (comment box) Google gadget / widget. This Guestbook gadget / widget will allow anyone who uses it to leave messages to anyone else who uses this gadget. A pretty nifty idea really.

Guestbook Google Gadget direct link:

Guestbook (comment box) Google gadget

guestbook widget gadget

You can get these Gadgets via 3rd party sources below:

To add the above gadget to your iGoogle homepage then click the Google button below the gadget. You can also see all the TPCS Google gadgets located at the Google Modules website and Widgiland.

WidgiLand gadgets Google Modules

To add this gadget to your webpage or blog use the below code:

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Do you have a thought about this article? Post a comment and tell us about it!
  1. royansableng : January 20, 2012 at 7:20 PM  

    nice share friend
    can you, link exchange with me??

    please confirmed to me


  2. Anonymous : January 24, 2012 at 8:27 PM  

    Thanks for the comment. At the moment I'm not swapping links. I would sell you some ad space if desired though.