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After 3 years I have removed the advertisements from our RSS feeds.

For years I have run Adsense ads in multiple categories e.g., content, search, domains, mobile content and feeds et cetera. Now, I am reporting that we have removed the ads from our RSS feeds as this does not seem to be a profitable placement for ads. My Adsense for content earnings have steadily been in the 4 figure range every month for years, also my search and mobile content earnings are regularly in the 3 figure range each month. With these prior numbers I was rather surprised that the feed based ads didn't perform better.

I believe it is better to use the Feed service to simply run an email newsletter and drive traffic to your site. Advertising within the actual RSS feeds isnt worth the time and effort to set it up according to my records.

If you have had success with advertising within your Feed then drop me a line and let me know your secret!

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